Welcome to Angry Planet, a podcast and newsletter about conflict.
If it has to do with crime, war, or violence in general, we talk about it. The show is hosted by Matthew Gault, a staff writer at VICE Motherboard, and Jason Fields, Newsweek’s opinion editor. It’s produced by Kevin Knodell, a a journalist who covers military affairs for the Honolulu Star-Advisor.
Jason and I founded the show almost ten years ago as a podcast at Reuters but we’ve long since gone independent. We produce a weekly newsletter and podcast. Subscribers get early and commercial free access to mainline episodes, and exclusive access to the newsletter and bonus episodes.
Here’s an example of what we do:
We interviewed the alleged secret masters behind the Qanon Conspiracy
We tracked down the authors of an infamous book from 1999 that some believed holds the origins of the conspiracy theory that melted brains after the 2016 election.
The History of Putin’s Wars
The story of Russia’s war in Ukraine is the story of Putin’s obsessions. The man has been waging war since before he took power, this episode details his long history of conflict.
The Hooligans Fighting for Ukraine
In this episode, journalist Jake Hanrahan has just returned from Ukraine and stops by to tell us about the soccer hooligans who took their battles off the streets and to the frontlines.
Syria, the Kurds, and Civil War
In this episode from 2019, Syrian journalist Loubna Mrie walked us through life in the early days of the Syrian revolution, how it turned into a nightmarish Civil War, and the consequences of U.S. Withdrawal.