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The Origins of Haiti’s Gangs and What Comes Next

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The Origins of Haiti’s Gangs and What Comes Next

Haiti’s gangs thrive because of the country’s political instability. Fixing that problem will take generations of work.
Members of the Haitian National Police Force in 2010. U.S. DoD photo.

Violence thrives in countries where political solutions to conflict have failed. On this episode of Angry Planet, Jeffsky Poincy comes on the show to walk us through the origins of Haiti’s gang problems and lay out the complicated history that gave rise to them.

Poincy, who is Haitian, is a program manager at PartnersGlobal, an NGO that helps foster democratic conflict resolution. Poincy’s perspective on the violence in Haiti is that it will require complicated and lengthy political solutions. The gangs thrive, he says, because of their place in a complicated transnational criminal network. It’s a local problem that requires local solutions. A thousand Kenyan soldiers on the ground in the devastated country won’t provide long term relief. Real political change will.

Recorded 4/5/24

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