This week Angry Planet turns its attention to Canada. Global News investigative journalist Stewart Bell joins us to walk through his two latest pieces and give Matthew a crash course on Canadian history. What do outlaw motorcycle gangs, extrajudicial assassinations, an Indian separatist movement, and a resurgent Islamic State all have in common?
Bell is here to explain it all.
The pros and cons of extremists recruiting on social media
Are you talking to a fed?
Remembering Air India Flight 182 or Matthew learns Canadian history
The Khalistan movement
What makes a 14-year-old interested in Islamic State?
Eric Hoffer on what makes a True Believer
Spreading ideologies with an answering machine
The budding new era of political violence
Visas as a tool of foreign interference
Using gangs to assassinate your political enemies
The ups and downs of hiring biker gangs for intelligence work
India’s superpower glow up
ISIS arrests are spiking in Canada and youths are driving the resurgence
Investigation: Visas have become an Indian foreign interference tool